Scott Howard Swain’s Bio
Author, Designer, Coder, Cognitive Empathy Advocate, Shaolin Monk, Leader, Download Resume

Scott Howard Swain has been actively studying communication, and conflict resolution since 1990, and people/systems management since 1995. He has spoke on these topics in front of large groups around the world (see below and find more at
He has been designing and facilitating communication and conflict resolution training programs based on cognitive empathy for businesses, at conferences, in schools, and workgroups since 2005. These courses have ranged in length from 13 weeks to one day to 3 hours.
With a love for writing since youth, Scott has written many stories, including a sci-fi novel and book based on cognitive empathy (see below). He has also written thousands of pages of technical documentation, tutorials, and articles ranging from philosophical to whimsical to instructional (see Articles written by Scott’s Creative Robot, ones written by Scott, and Tutorials).
Since the web began, Scott has been designing logos, web sites, ads, banners, fliers, and more. See some of his favorites.
Animation & video editing
Scott has been creating 2D and 3D animation and creating/editing videos for over 30 years, sometimes in a professional capacity, sometimes for entertainment, and sometimes to spread the practice of cognitive empathy. See the latest.
Scott’s been writing code in various languages/platforms for over 40 years (yes since early teens), with a hobby project being the continued evolution of an advanced cognitive empathy-based “Personal Coach/Therapist” AI chatbot at he created and began training in 2018. No sign-up or sign-in needed. Free to chat with.
Professional software developer since 1995.
See a few of the more impressive applications.
Finally, Scott has two decades of martial arts training under his Shaolin Kung Fu black belt earned in 2005, awarded title of “Shaolin Monk, Initiate” at that time. Prior to that, four years of karate with two years consensual garage fighting, and numerous tournaments.
What is an AI Integrator?
Scott Howard Swain’s talk on Integrity 2015
[Videos below may take a moment to load.]
A few highlights
– Founded Practical Empathy Practice Group on May 6, 2015, which has met 1 to 4 times per month since that date for a total of over 650 meetings and over 2100 members. Details:
– Leading Voluntaryists of Austin group:
– Training wide range of ages and abilities in self-defense using Shaolin black belt and other experience.
– Teaching NVC* in a class format, from 13 week classes to weekend classes to one day classes to talks and one hour intros, starting in 2006.
– Led “Intro to NVC*” course for Zaaz’s customer service department.
– Created Play to Evolve card game and the EmpathyBot a.i..
– Assisting couples and families in resolving conflicts, increasing responsibibility, understanding, and deepening communication in the home.
– “NVC* in Business: Its TimeHas Come” – NVC * Academy 4-day course – 2014.
– Business mediation between Voice & Exit and a client of theirs – 2014.
– Trained owners (partners) and staff at LIGHTfaktor in clear & efficient communication, internal and external. Included management, negotiation, and client relations – Austin, TX – 2014.
– Trained contract managers, negotiators, and other staff from National Contract Management Association – Austin, TX – 2012.
– Trained staff at Active Life Healing Clinic – Austin, TX – 2011.
– Taught “Empower Your Communication” class at Rethinking Everything Conference – Dallas, TX – 2013.
– Taught using NVC* at Children’s Discovery Center – Austin, TX – 2013.
– Motivational speaking and public speaking at business, parenting, and relationship building events.
– Attended Six-week NVC* course by Pat Siebert – 2005.
*Nonviolent Communication, precursor to the Practical Empathy system I created
Notes for above talk
Being in the moment
(1) Can’t fear without future think, more confidence, ease.
(2) Body will feel more relaxed, others see this as confidence.
– positive feedback loop.
Acceptance (is not agreement)
(1) Acceptance for self AND others. More for self leads to…
What to accept about yourself?
– abilities, thoughts, behaviors
– feelings and needs!
– are you evaluating yourself? Gradual moving toward…
– and OTHERS!
(1) Think of something you have done in the past that you feel some shame, guilt, or regret about. OR something someone else tried to guilt you about.
(2) Pick a harsh judgment. or evaluation of yourself and include it like so: “It was terrible / stupid / lame / mean / wrong.”
(3) Ask yourself what need(s) you were getting met or what value(s) you were meeting when you did the thing. Refer to the needs list in the chapter on basics, if you need to. Was it a need for ease? Recognition? Power? Order? Safety? It can be more than one. Write it/them down. “I did that thing because I was seeking more ________________.”
Hints: acceptance, connection, to be heard, power, community, play, love, mental stimulation
We all need more empathy!
When a thing like this piece of media spreads, it does the world good. Please help it go viral! Comment on it. Share it.
I invite you to read for free a sci-fi novel I wrote in 1990.
Pairnoy’s April Delusion
Review: “Reads like a cross between Hitchhiker’s Guide and something Phillip K. Dick would create. A trippy freaky near-future story that will keep you guessing to the end. Featuring a man who may be either delusional or a visionary, a hot android babe, interdimensional beings, and advanced ai.”
Excerpt from Chapter 1: “In the beginning there was but one reality, or plane of existence, called the Core. At some point in time the Core shed two nearly identical planes. In each of these mirror realities there was just one small flaw; one thing that was a little different, just slightly warped. These two planes shed two more, each with it’s own slight flaws. As time is want to do, it moved on and other planes were spawned that differed more from the Core.
There are a few beings in each plane of existence with the ability to see across the barriers that separate the planes. This interplanar sight is usually quite erratic.
From Pairnoy’s Parallel Reality Theory”