But Mom, I want to keep playing video games!

But Mom, I want to keep playing video games!

Mom wants to go to the store. Jimmy wants to keep playing games. Mom chooses empathy.
– When children are raised with recognition of and respect for their needs, they grow up respecting themselves and others.
– When children grow up hearing and using a language of compassion, they better understand and speak their own needs and the needs of others.
– When children grow up hearing and using a language of responsibility, they act responsibly as adults.

So… imagine a future generation of compassionate adults who truly get their own needs and the needs of others. A generation of adults who deeply understand the link between responsibility and power. How does this not lead to peace and prosperity?

Written and animated by Scott Swain.

Conflict resolution: I want to go out and he wants to stay in

Conflict resolution: I want to go out and he wants to stay in

A couple arguing about what activity to do together. She wants to go out but he wants to stay in. These “wants” are strategies to get needs/values met. They choose to go below strategies to investigate the needs-that-inform-those-strategies using Practical Empathy based on Practical Empathy (get Scott’s book here) and Nonviolent Communication (NVC). This allows them to see there are other strategies to meet their needs/values. So when each “player” sees there are multiple ways (strategies) to get their needs/values met, they realize some of those ways work for both of them.