Logo: Dolphin Consulting

Logo: Dolphin Consulting

Environmental compliance, FDA 510(k), Medical Device Strategy, Regulatory Affairs, Corporate Social Responsibility, Sustainability Analysis

Book cover: Pairnoy’s April Delusion

Book cover: Pairnoy’s April Delusion

A sci-fi satire: In the beginning there was but one reality, or plane of existence, called the Core. At some point in time the Core shed two nearly identical planes. In each of these mirror realities there was just one small flaw; one thing that was a little different, just slightly warped. These two planes shed two more, each with it’s own slight flaws. As time is want to do, it moved on and other planes were spawned that differed more from the Core.

There are a few beings in each plane of existence with the ability to see across the barriers that separate the planes. This inter-planar sight is usually quite erratic.